Saturday, September 26, 2020

Aptitude Questions for 99% Job (FAQs)

 The most important Frequently asked Interview Questions are below not only these questions are enough, see my other upcoming posts to gain more Aptitude Questions that are asked often in the Top Companies.




1. Which one letter can be moved from the first word to the second word, to create two new words?

                    Steven     Eve

Answer : n

Explanation : When the 'n' moves from Steven to Eve it becomes "Steve  Even".

                       This creates two new words.

2. Which one letter can be moved from the first word to the second word, to create two new words?

                     Movie   Most

Answer : i

Explanation : When the 'i' moves from Movie to Most it becomes "Move  Moist".

                          This creates two new words.




1. Which two numbers come next in the sequence?

           22, 26, 28, 32, 34, 38, 40, _, _.?

Answer : 44, 46.

Explanation : The 22 and 26 has a difference of 4, 26 and 28 has a difference of 2.

                        By this way the whole pattern moves. 

2. Which two numbers come next in the sequence?

                  11, 16, 17, 22, 23, 28, 29, _, _.?

Answer : 34, 35.

Explanation : The 11 and 16 has the difference of 5, 17 is the number which comes after 16.

                       By this method this method the pattern moves.


Note : Just carefully view the given pattern twice and do mental calculation, you can easily 

            get the answer.




1. Start at once of the corners and move clockwise around the square finishing in the centre 

to create a nine - letter word.                            

Answer : C, N

Explanation : Starting from M after A insert 'C', and then insert 'N' after I in clock wise 

                          direction. You will get the word MACHINERY.

2. Start at one of the corners and move clock wise around the square finishing in the centre

to create a nine - letter word.


Answer : R, N

Explanation : Starting from right most E by clockwise direction after A insert 'R' and then

                       at the left most top insert 'N'.




1. A flight leaves the airport at 11:25 am. It is a 5 hour and 50-minute flight. There is a 1-hour time difference. What time will the flight arrive at the destination, assuming the time difference is 1hour behind?

Answer :  4:15 pm

Explanation : Here, 11:25 am + 5 hours and 50 minutes = 5:15 pm

   5:15 pm - 1hour = 4:15 pm

2. A flight leaves the airport at 9:10 am. It is a 3hour and 55 minutes flight. There is a 1 hour time difference. What time will the flight arrive at the destination, assuming  the time difference is 1 hour ahead?

Answer : Now lets practise this question and you find the answer and enter into the below comment section.


 Also watch my upcomming posts to gain more knowledge as i mentioned before 😊.....


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Technical Aptitude test (DATA STRUCTURE)

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