Monday, September 28, 2020

How to Pass Aptitude Test: Questions For You (Part 2)


1. Which number should come next in the pattern
                      1, 1. 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ?

Answer : 21
Explanation : There is a pattern to decide the next number of the series. Next number is the addition of                             previous two numbers.
                       Example : 2 = 1 + 1, 5 = 3 + 2, 8 = 5 + 3
2. Read the below sentence and give the correct answer
       Book is to read as fork is to_:
Answer : Eating 
Explanation : Forks are used during dining and meal consumption.
3. A girl starts to run at the speed of 5mph. After a one hour a boy starts to run at 10mph speed from same location and going in the same direction. How long will it take for the boy take to catch up with the girl?
Answer : 1 hour
Explanation : Boy has twice of girls speed. Boy will only take half of the time to run same distance
                      compared to the girl.    
                      After an hour girl already has run 5m and she will run another 5m in next hour. 
                      Boy will run 10m in an hour. Girl runs 10m in two hours and boy only take 1hour to
                      run 10m. 

4. Bobby is 6 years old and his sister is a half of his age. When Bobby is 30, what will be the age of his sister?

Answer : 27
Explanation : Sister is 3 when Bobby is 6.
                       Bobby becomes 30 after 24 years.
                       Therefore his sister must be 3 + 24 = 27 years old.

5. Calculate : -100 + 45

Answer : -55 
Explanation : -100 + 45 is equal to 45 - 100
                        Which gives the answer = -55

6. What number is the best match 8:4 as 10:?
                            (a) 20
                            (b) 15
                            (c) 5
                            (d) 10

Answer : 5
Explanation : 4 is half of 8, likewise 5 is half of 10.

7. Find an arrow, which logically belongs in the rectangle with the question mark?
Answer :
Explanation : Each row has three arrows.
                      All three arrows are directed to three directions.
                      According to the pattern, correct answer "A" since the arrow which directed to 
                      right side is missing.

8. What is the number that is one half of quarter of one tenth of 800.
Answer : 10
Explanation : To get the answer, need to go reverse.
                       One tenth of 800 is 80. One quarter of 80 is 20. One half of 20 is 10.
                       ∴ Answer is 10.

               Also go through my other posts and upraising posts to gain more Knowledge 
                                     about apptitude question asked often in interviews.

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